0Evaluation process hang 8 months ago3
1Form for prizes By fersebasIn 4 months ago3
2Announcing teams winning AWS Credits and Student Awards By yilun_jin 4 months ago1
6Change Team Name Request By giba 5 months ago12
9Announcing the winners of Amazon KDD Cup 2024! By yilun_jin 5 months ago5
9Winner Notification By simon_jegou 5 months ago3
21Note for our final evaluation By yilun_jin 5 months ago42
0[IMPORTANT] Dual participation detected. Please explain By yilun_jin 5 months ago5
7Push but no issue By fersebasIn 5 months ago8
2My uploading speed becomes so slow 5 months ago3
0Why didn't there be any evaluation in my issues after I pushed my new tag? By helencheung 5 months ago1
0Evaluation Timed Out In Track 1 By sourojit 5 months ago1
0Glitch in our server influenced Track 3 yesterday By yilun_jin 5 months ago1
2Error in batch_predict: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '\u2790' By sourojit 5 months ago3
1All Submissions Are Failing By Chris_Deotte 5 months ago4
0For model_output_str in model_outputs_str: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable By yiwenchen 5 months ago3
1Is have private data to calculate the final score? By yingyizhang 5 months ago7
4Occurance for "Evaluation timed out 😢" in validation phases By tedlike 5 months ago3
2Push gitlab and cannot find issue By lyz22233 5 months ago6
8Not qualified submission By sorokin 6 months ago19
11All Submissions "Waiting In Queue" for 12 Hours By Chris_Deotte 6 months ago5
0Track1 Validation: Evaluation timed out, An error occurred when installing aicrowd-gym By yiwenchen 5 months ago6
3Submission failed multiple times By sourojit 6 months ago2
2Submission failed due to time limit By sourojit 6 months ago1
0[REMINDER] Use Ray for vLLM, and clean up your repo By yilun_jin 6 months ago2
1Submission stuck on "evaluation initiated" By Chris_Deotte 6 months ago2
0#A lot of failed in this week,and over 20 times.#Could you help me? By s_s2 6 months ago2