
Airborne Object Tracking Challenge

AOT Dataset walkthrough using helper scripts

Demo of dataset helper scripts and walkthrough to the training dataset


Airborne Object Tracking Dataset

Dataset Walkthrough

🤫 Setting up

In [6]:
import json
import random
import os, sys
from IPython.display import display, clear_output, HTML
from random import randrange, choice
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

# Because Life, Universe and Everything!

def mdprint(text):
        'text/markdown': text,
        'text/plain': text
    }, raw=True)

!git clone http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/amazon-prime-air/airborne-detection-starter-kit.git

⏱ Loading the Dataset

In [ ]:
# Dataset for Airborne Object Tracking Dataset
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())) + "/core")
!pip install -r ../requirements.txt > /dev/null
from core.dataset import Dataset
notebook_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath("__file__"))

local_path = notebook_path + '/part1'
s3_path = 's3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part1/'
dataset = Dataset(local_path, s3_path, partial=True, prefix='part1')
In [ ]:
# `local_path` -> dataset is automatically downloaded to that folder
# `s3_path` -> location to look for images in case they aren't present locally

# You can add multi-part dataset as well, using below..
local_path = notebook_path + '/part2'
s3_path = 's3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part2/'
dataset.add(local_path, s3_path, prefix='part2')

# You can add multi-part dataset as well, using below..
local_path = notebook_path + '/part3'
s3_path = 's3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part3/'
dataset.add(local_path, s3_path, prefix='part3')

🌱 Ground Truth Structure

Ground truth (present in ImageSets folder) contains all the relevant information regarding airborne objects, their locations, bbox and so on. While the Images folder have accompanied images for your training code to work on.

Before we start, let's check the vocabulary we will need to understand the dataset:

  • flights (a.k.a. samples in ground truth):
    One flight is typically 2 minutes video at 10 fps i.e. 1200 images. Each of the frames are present in Images/{{flight_id}}/ folder. These files are typically 3-4mb each.
  • frame (a.k.a. entity in ground truth):
    This is the most granular unit on which dataset can be sampled. Each frame have information timestamp, frame_id, and label is_above_horizon. There can be multiple entries for same frame in entity when multiple Airborne objects are present.
    When an Airborne object following information is available as well:
    • id -> signifies unique ID of this object (for whole frame)
    • bbox -> it contains 4 floats signifying [left, top, width, height]
    • blob['range_distance_m'] -> distance of airborne object
    • labels['is_above_horizon'] -> details below
    • (derived) planned -> for the planned objects range_distance_m is available
  • is_above_horizon:
    It is marked as 1 when Airborne object is above horizon and -1 when it is below horizon. When unclear, it is marked as 0.

Example for frame level data (multiple per frame):

    'time': 1550844897919368155,
    'blob': {
        'frame': 480,
        'range_distance_m': nan # signifies, it was an unplanned object
    'id': 'Bird2',
    'bb': [1013.4, 515.8, 6.0, 6.0],
    'labels': {'is_above_horizon': 1},
    'flight_id': '280dc81adbb3420cab502fb88d6abf84',
    'img_name': '1550844897919368155280dc81adbb3420cab502fb88d6abf84.png'

You can read more about the dataset in DATASET.md file in the starter kit.

👀 DeepDive into Flight

In [3]:
all_flight_ids = dataset.get_flight_ids()
lucky_flight_id = random.choice(all_flight_ids)
lucky_flight = dataset.get_flight_by_id(lucky_flight_id)

mdprint("## 🔮Lucky draw tells us to continue with: `%s`" % lucky_flight_id)

mdprint("### Let's know our flight a bit more! 🔎")

mdprint("This flight has **%s frames** and total **%s airborne objects**." % (lucky_flight.num_frames, lucky_flight.num_airborne_objs))

mdprint("List of Airborne Objects: ")
for airborne_obj in lucky_flight.get_airborne_objects():
    mdprint("- %s " % airborne_obj)

assert lucky_flight.num_airborne_objs > 0, "Unlucky draw; this flight sequence have 0 airborne objects; please re-run this cell"

🔮Lucky draw tells us to continue with: 2c491000d2bf4cbe9a51e49b9059558c

Let's know our flight a bit more! 🔎

Flight#2c491000d2bf4cbe9a51e49b9059558c(num_frames=116, num_airborne_objs=2)

This flight has 116 frames and total 2 airborne objects.

List of Airborne Objects:

  • AirborneObject#Helicopter1(num_frames=116, planned=True)
  • AirborneObject#Bird8(num_frames=85, planned=False)

🛫 We know text content isn't lucrative, no?!

💾 Download whole dataset (optional)

Please note, downloading image for each frame would be slower, so when using for training downloading whole dataset is preferred.

You can download full dataset using following command in your directory:

aws s3 sync s3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part1 part1/ --no-sign-request
aws s3 sync s3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part1 part2/ --no-sign-request
aws s3 sync s3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part1 part3/ --no-sign-request

💾 Download whole flight (optional)

NOTE: Each flight is roughly 3-5GB in size, due to which it will take time to download. The dataset helper scripts can be run without downloading dataset as well, so you can skip below download in case you hate waiting! :)

You can download individual flight using below command:

aws s3 sync s3://airborne-obj-detection-challenge-training/part1/Images/{{flight_id}} part1/Images/{{flight_id}} --no-sign-request


In [4]:
# (optional) can take upto 5-10 mins on Colab

🌤 Let's quickly check how the scenery looks like in this video

In [8]:
image = lucky_flight.get_frame(choice(list(lucky_flight.frames.keys()))).image()
Output hidden; open in https://colab.research.google.com to view.

🖼️Well, one picture doesn't give much idea, let's try out few frames (n=9)

You can try out whole video as well if you have dataset downloaded

In [9]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()

for i in range(1, 10):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, i)


📉 Presence of the objects and distance in frames (when present)

In [10]:
airborne_objects = lucky_flight.detected_objects
frames = lucky_flight.frames

rows = len(airborne_objects.keys())

detected = {}
distance = {}
for frame_id in lucky_flight.frames:
    f = lucky_flight.get_frame(frame_id)
    for obj in airborne_objects:
        if obj not in detected:
            detected[obj] = []
            distance[obj] = []

        if obj in f.detected_objects:
            if not airborne_objects[obj].planned:

i = 0
f = plt.figure(figsize=(25, 25), dpi=80)
f, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = rows, ncols = 2, squeeze=False)

for obj in detected:
    axes[i][0].scatter(range(len(distance[obj])), distance[obj])
    if not airborne_objects[obj].planned:
        plt.text(0.3, 0.2, "Unplanned objects\ndon't have distance", 
                 fontsize=20, transform=axes[i][0].transAxes, color="grey")

    axes[i][1].scatter(range(len(detected[obj])), detected[obj])
    i += 1

# for obj in detected:
#     dt = random.choice(airborne_objects[obj].location)
#     img = dt.frame.image_annotated()
#     axes[[i, i+1]][1].imshow(img)
<Figure size 2000x2000 with 0 Axes>