
NeurIPS 2021: MineRL Diamond Competition

Behavioural cloning baseline for the Intro track

BC lumberjack plus script



This notebook is part three of the Intro track baselines for the MineRL 2021 competition. To run it you will need to enable GPU by going to Runtime -> Change runtime type and selecting GPU from the drop down list.

Below you will find an agent that has two components:

  1. A machine learning agent that trains on human data to learn how to imitate them to chop trees (training takes less than 10 minutes).
  2. A script that crafts a wooden pickaxe and digs down to get some cobblestone.

The machine learning part runs for a fixed number of steps (2000 by default), then the crafting and digging script kicks in. When evaluated on MineRLObtainDiamond environment it achieves an average reward of 8.6.

Software 2.0

The approach we used here, where we took some human written code and replaced it with an AI component is quite similar to how Tesla approaches self driving cars. See this talk by Andrej Karpathy, Director of AI at Tesla:
Building the Software 2.0 Stack

Go on, improve the self driving Steve/Alex below! :)


In [1]:
!sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
!sudo apt-get purge openjdk-*
!sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
!sudo apt-get install xvfb xserver-xephyr vnc4server python-opengl ffmpeg
In [2]:
!pip3 install --upgrade minerl
!pip3 install pyvirtualdisplay
!pip3 install pytorch
!pip3 install -U colabgymrender

Import Libraries

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import torch as th
from torch import nn
import gym
import minerl
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from colabgymrender.recorder import Recorder
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
import logging
logging.disable(logging.ERROR) # reduce clutter, remove if something doesn't work to see the error logs.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
  warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
Imageio: 'ffmpeg-linux64-v3.3.1' was not found on your computer; downloading it now.
Try 1. Download from https://github.com/imageio/imageio-binaries/raw/master/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-linux64-v3.3.1 (43.8 MB)
Downloading: 8192/45929032 bytes (0.0%)1941504/45929032 bytes (4.2%)5398528/45929032 bytes (11.8%)9158656/45929032 bytes (19.9%)13115392/45929032 bytes (28.6%)17195008/45929032 bytes (37.4%)21184512/45929032 bytes (46.1%)25108480/45929032 bytes (54.7%)29048832/45929032 bytes (63.2%)32890880/45929032 bytes (71.6%)36814848/45929032 bytes (80.2%)40853504/45929032 bytes (88.9%)44826624/45929032 bytes (97.6%)45929032/45929032 bytes (100.0%)
File saved as /root/.imageio/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-linux64-v3.3.1.

Neural network

In [4]:
class NatureCNN(nn.Module):
    CNN from DQN nature paper:
        Mnih, Volodymyr, et al.
        "Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning."
        Nature 518.7540 (2015): 529-533.

    :param input_shape: A three-item tuple telling image dimensions in (C, H, W)
    :param output_dim: Dimensionality of the output vector

    def __init__(self, input_shape, output_dim):
        n_input_channels = input_shape[0]
        self.cnn = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(n_input_channels, 32, kernel_size=8, stride=4, padding=0),
            nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=0),
            nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=0),

        # Compute shape by doing one forward pass
        with th.no_grad():
            n_flatten = self.cnn(th.zeros(1, *input_shape)).shape[1]

        self.linear = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(n_flatten, 512),
            nn.Linear(512, output_dim)

    def forward(self, observations: th.Tensor) -> th.Tensor:
        return self.linear(self.cnn(observations))

Environment wrappers

In [5]:
class ActionShaping(gym.ActionWrapper):
    The default MineRL action space is the following dict:

         camera:Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,)),

    It can be viewed as:
         - buttons, like attack, back, forward, sprint that are either pressed or not.
         - mouse, i.e. the continuous camera action in degrees. The two values are pitch (up/down), where up is
           negative, down is positive, and yaw (left/right), where left is negative, right is positive.
         - craft/equip/place actions for items specified above.
    So an example action could be sprint + forward + jump + attack + turn camera, all in one action.

    This wrapper makes the action space much smaller by selecting a few common actions and making the camera actions
    discrete. You can change these actions by changing self._actions below. That should just work with the RL agent,
    but would require some further tinkering below with the BC one.
    def __init__(self, env, camera_angle=10, always_attack=False):

        self.camera_angle = camera_angle
        self.always_attack = always_attack
        self._actions = [
            [('attack', 1)],
            [('forward', 1)],
            # [('back', 1)],
            # [('left', 1)],
            # [('right', 1)],
            # [('jump', 1)],
            # [('forward', 1), ('attack', 1)],
            # [('craft', 'planks')],
            [('forward', 1), ('jump', 1)],
            [('camera', [-self.camera_angle, 0])],
            [('camera', [self.camera_angle, 0])],
            [('camera', [0, self.camera_angle])],
            [('camera', [0, -self.camera_angle])],

        self.actions = []
        for actions in self._actions:
            act = self.env.action_space.noop()
            for a, v in actions:
                act[a] = v
            if self.always_attack:
                act['attack'] = 1

        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(len(self.actions))

    def action(self, action):
        return self.actions[action]

Data parser

In [6]:
def dataset_action_batch_to_actions(dataset_actions, camera_margin=5):
    Turn a batch of actions from dataset (`batch_iter`) to a numpy
    array that corresponds to batch of actions of ActionShaping wrapper (_actions).

    Camera margin sets the threshold what is considered "moving camera".

    Note: Hardcoded to work for actions in ActionShaping._actions, with "intuitive"
        ordering of actions.
        If you change ActionShaping._actions, remember to change this!

    Array elements are integers corresponding to actions, or "-1"
    for actions that did not have any corresponding discrete match.
    # There are dummy dimensions of shape one
    camera_actions = dataset_actions["camera"].squeeze()
    attack_actions = dataset_actions["attack"].squeeze()
    forward_actions = dataset_actions["forward"].squeeze()
    jump_actions = dataset_actions["jump"].squeeze()
    batch_size = len(camera_actions)
    actions = np.zeros((batch_size,), dtype=np.int)

    for i in range(len(camera_actions)):
        # Moving camera is most important (horizontal first)
        if camera_actions[i][0] < -camera_margin:
            actions[i] = 3
        elif camera_actions[i][0] > camera_margin:
            actions[i] = 4
        elif camera_actions[i][1] > camera_margin:
            actions[i] = 5
        elif camera_actions[i][1] < -camera_margin:
            actions[i] = 6
        elif forward_actions[i] == 1:
            if jump_actions[i] == 1:
                actions[i] = 2
                actions[i] = 1
        elif attack_actions[i] == 1:
            actions[i] = 0
            # No reasonable mapping (would be no-op)
            actions[i] = -1
    return actions

Setup training

In [7]:
def train():
    data = minerl.data.make("MineRLTreechop-v0",  data_dir='data', num_workers=4)

    # We know ActionShaping has seven discrete actions, so we create
    # a network to map images to seven values (logits), which represent
    # likelihoods of selecting those actions
    network = NatureCNN((3, 64, 64), 7).cuda()
    optimizer = th.optim.Adam(network.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)
    loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    iter_count = 0
    losses = []
    for dataset_obs, dataset_actions, _, _, _ in tqdm(data.batch_iter(num_epochs=EPOCHS, batch_size=32, seq_len=1)):
        # We only use pov observations (also remove dummy dimensions)
        obs = dataset_obs["pov"].squeeze().astype(np.float32)
        # Transpose observations to be channel-first (BCHW instead of BHWC)
        obs = obs.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        # Normalize observations
        obs /= 255.0

        # Actions need bit more work
        actions = dataset_action_batch_to_actions(dataset_actions)

        # Remove samples that had no corresponding action
        mask = actions != -1
        obs = obs[mask]
        actions = actions[mask]

        # Obtain logits of each action
        logits = network(th.from_numpy(obs).float().cuda())

        # Minimize cross-entropy with target labels.
        # We could also compute the probability of demonstration actions and
        # maximize them.
        loss = loss_function(logits, th.from_numpy(actions).long().cuda())

        # Standard PyTorch update

        iter_count += 1
        if (iter_count % 1000) == 0:
            mean_loss = sum(losses) / len(losses)
            tqdm.write("Iteration {}. Loss {:<10.3f}".format(iter_count, mean_loss))

    th.save(network.state_dict(), TRAIN_MODEL_NAME)
    del data

Scripted part

In [8]:
def str_to_act(env, actions):
    Simplifies specifying actions for the scripted part of the agent.
    Some examples for a string with a single action:
    There should be no spaces in single actions, as we use spaces to separate actions with multiple "buttons" pressed:
        'attack sprint forward'
        'forward camera:[0,10]'

    :param env: base MineRL environment.
    :param actions: string of actions.
    :return: dict action, compatible with the base MineRL environment.
    act = env.action_space.noop()
    for action in actions.split():
        if ":" in action:
            k, v = action.split(':')
            if k == 'camera':
                act[k] = eval(v)
                act[k] = v
            act[action] = 1
    return act


Here's a list of all possible actions:

     camera:Box(low=-180.0, high=180.0, shape=(2,)),


Camera actions contain two values:

  1. Pitch (up/down), where up is negative, down is positive.
  2. Yaw (left/right), where left is negative, right is positive.

For example, moving the camera up by 10 degrees would be 'camera:[-10,0]'.

In [9]:
def get_action_sequence():
    Specify the action sequence for the agent to execute.
    # make planks, sticks, crafting table and wooden pickaxe:
    action_sequence = []
    action_sequence += [''] * 100
    action_sequence += ['craft:planks'] * 4
    action_sequence += ['craft:stick'] * 2
    action_sequence += ['craft:crafting_table']
    action_sequence += ['camera:[10,0]'] * 18
    action_sequence += ['attack'] * 20
    action_sequence += [''] * 10
    action_sequence += ['jump']
    action_sequence += [''] * 5
    action_sequence += ['place:crafting_table']
    action_sequence += [''] * 10

    # bug: looking straight down at a crafting table doesn't let you craft. So we look up a bit before crafting.
    action_sequence += ['camera:[-1,0]']
    action_sequence += ['nearbyCraft:wooden_pickaxe']
    action_sequence += ['camera:[1,0]']
    action_sequence += [''] * 10
    action_sequence += ['equip:wooden_pickaxe']
    action_sequence += [''] * 10

    # dig down:
    action_sequence += ['attack'] * 600
    action_sequence += [''] * 10

    return action_sequence


In [10]:
# Parameters:
EPOCHS = 3  # How many times we train over the dataset.
LEARNING_RATE = 0.0001  # Learning rate for the neural network.

TRAIN_MODEL_NAME = 'another_potato.pth'  # name to use when saving the trained agent.
TEST_MODEL_NAME = 'another_potato.pth'  # name to use when loading the trained agent.

TEST_EPISODES = 5  # number of episodes to test the agent for.
MAX_TEST_EPISODE_LEN = 5000  # 18k is the default for MineRLObtainDiamond.
TREECHOP_STEPS = 2000  # number of steps to run BC lumberjack for in evaluations.

Download the data

In [11]:
minerl.data.download(directory='data', environment='MineRLTreechop-v0');
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [00:49<00:00, 50.64MB/s]


In [12]:
display = Display(visible=0, size=(400, 300))
In [13]:
train()  # only need to run this once.
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [01:47<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 1000. Loss 1.075     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [02:07<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 2000. Loss 0.970     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [02:22<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 3000. Loss 0.956     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [02:45<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 4000. Loss 0.902     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [03:00<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 5000. Loss 0.936     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [03:16<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 6000. Loss 0.907     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [03:35<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 7000. Loss 0.856     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [03:52<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 8000. Loss 0.895     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [04:06<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 9000. Loss 0.861     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [04:29<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 10000. Loss 0.810     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [04:43<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 11000. Loss 0.837     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [05:03<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 12000. Loss 0.823     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [05:40<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 13000. Loss 0.867     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [05:47<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 14000. Loss 0.800     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [06:08<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 15000. Loss 0.786     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [06:23<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 16000. Loss 0.819     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [06:40<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 17000. Loss 0.823     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [06:55<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 18000. Loss 0.828     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [07:12<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 19000. Loss 0.818     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [07:30<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 20000. Loss 0.860     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [07:48<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 21000. Loss 0.796     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [08:06<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 22000. Loss 0.809     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [08:26<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 23000. Loss 0.824     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [08:40<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 24000. Loss 0.844     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [08:59<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 25000. Loss 0.844     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [09:37<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 26000. Loss 0.797     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [09:44<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 27000. Loss 0.761     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [10:07<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 28000. Loss 0.785     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [10:19<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 29000. Loss 0.768     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [10:39<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 30000. Loss 0.789     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [10:56<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 31000. Loss 0.757     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [11:15<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 32000. Loss 0.761     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [11:33<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 33000. Loss 0.806     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [11:48<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 34000. Loss 0.817     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [12:05<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 35000. Loss 0.768     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [12:24<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 36000. Loss 0.808     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [12:39<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 37000. Loss 0.799     
Download: https://minerl.s3.amazonaws.com/v4/MineRLTreechop-v0.tar: 100%|██████████| 1511.0/1510.73792 [12:56<00:00, 50.64MB/s]
Iteration 38000. Loss 0.824     

Start Minecraft

In [14]:
env = gym.make('MineRLObtainDiamond-v0')

env1 = Recorder(env, './video', fps=60)  # saving environment before action shaping to use with scripted part
env = ActionShaping(env1, always_attack=True)

Run your agent

As the code below runs you should see episode videos and rewards show up. You can run the below cell multiple times to see different episodes.

In [15]:
network = NatureCNN((3, 64, 64), 7).cuda()

num_actions = env.action_space.n
action_list = np.arange(num_actions)

action_sequence = get_action_sequence()

for episode in range(TEST_EPISODES):
    obs = env.reset()
    done = False
    total_reward = 0
    steps = 0

    # BC part to get some logs:
    for i in tqdm(range(TREECHOP_STEPS)):
        # Process the action:
        #   - Add/remove batch dimensions
        #   - Transpose image (needs to be channels-last)
        #   - Normalize image
        obs = th.from_numpy(obs['pov'].transpose(2, 0, 1)[None].astype(np.float32) / 255).cuda()
        # Turn logits into probabilities
        probabilities = th.softmax(network(obs), dim=1)[0]
        # Into numpy
        probabilities = probabilities.detach().cpu().numpy()
        # Sample action according to the probabilities
        action = np.random.choice(action_list, p=probabilities)

        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        total_reward += reward
        steps += 1
        if done:

    # scripted part to use the logs:
    if not done:
        for i, action in enumerate(tqdm(action_sequence[:MAX_TEST_EPISODE_LEN - TREECHOP_STEPS])):
            obs, reward, done, _ = env1.step(str_to_act(env1, action))
            total_reward += reward
            steps += 1
            if done:

    print(f'Episode #{episode + 1} reward: {total_reward}\t\t episode length: {steps}\n')
Output hidden; open in https://colab.research.google.com to view.


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