
NeurIPS 2022 - The Neural MMO Challenge

How to render replay with Unity client?

A tutorial on how to render replay using unity client


2. Get the replay lzma file

Each method works. Pick any one you like.

Method 1: Download and unzip

i. Select a submission from our Submissions page by clicking the "view" button.

ii. Click the "Download" button to get a file named "Replay-XXX.zip".

iii. Unzip it and you should have a replay file named "XXX.lzma".

Method 2: Generate the lzma file locally

i. Make sure you have installed the latest neurips2022nmmo.

pip install -U git+http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/neural-mmo/neurips2022-nmmo.git

ii. Modify your local evalualtion code as the example below (example for local evaluation):

  • Set a name for the output lzma file in config.SAVE_REPLAY
In [ ]:
config = CompetitionConfig()
config.SAVE_REPLAY = "XXX" 
ro = RollOut(config, teams, parallel=True, show_progress=True)
ro.run(n_episode=1, render=True)

You should see a replay file named "XXX.lzma" in the same directory when the game ends.

3. Render replay with WebViewer

ii. Make sure the "XXX.lzma" and render.py are in the same directory.

iii. Run python render.py XXX.lzma and you should see the log below.


iv. Run the unity client!


4. Enjoy!