This baseline used a simple rule, to replace " ς " (final s) with a proper correction. Visualised the training data, trained a statistical language model to pick the correction and changed only texts that comprise the error.
LMing-Rules baseline¶
- Using language modeling.
- Using rules, extracted from the training data.
Sign in¶
- To get the data.
In [ ]:
!pip install aicrowd-cli
%load_ext aicrowd.magic
In [2]:
%aicrowd login
In [3]:
!rm -rf data
!mkdir data
%aicrowd ds dl -c htrec-2022 -o data
In [ ]:
!pip install pywer
import pywer
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
In [12]:
train = pd.read_csv("data/train.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("data/test.csv")
print(f"{train.shape[0]} train and {test.shape[0]} instances"); train.sample()
Using the human-transcribed data to train a statistical character language model.
In [15]:
!git clone
from lm.markov.models import LM
lm = LM(gram="CHAR").train(train.HUMAN_TRANSCRIPTION.sum()); #cslm.generate_text()
Frequently mistaken tokens¶
In [13]:
LEX = train.HUMAN_TRANSCRIPTION.sum().split()
In [18]:
from collections import Counter
broken_words = [w for w in train.SYSTEM_TRANSCRIPTION.sum().split() if w not in set(LEX)]
x,y = zip(*Counter(broken_words).most_common(10))
pd.DataFrame({"mistaken":x, "occurrences":y}).plot.barh(x="mistaken");
Picking one, one that can be fixed without much ambiguity.
In [19]:
train[train.SYSTEM_TRANSCRIPTION.str.contains(" ς ")].sample(2)
The method¶
Exploring the mistakes, two are the easier fixes: merge with the previous word (i.e., this is a final character, which makes sense) or delete. To pick out of the two, we ask the LM.
In [22]:
def lmr(text, word=" ς ", replacements=["ς ", " "], lm=lm):
scores = []
for the_candidate in replacements:
scores.append(lm.cross_entropy(text.replace(word, the_candidate)))
text_out = text.replace(word, replacements[scores.index(min(scores))])
return text_out
lmr("ως ω ς αὐτοῦ ον πος τοῦ χυ καιρήε,")
Predict and submit¶
In [23]:
R1 = test.SYSTEM_TRANSCRIPTION.apply(lmr)
In [27]:
submission = pd.DataFrame(zip(test.IMAGE_PATH, R1), columns=["ImageID", "Transcriptions"])
In [25]:
submission.to_csv("submission.csv", index=False)
In [26]:
%aicrowd submission create -c htrec-2022 -f submission.csv
In [ ]:
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